Friday, September 01, 2006

Thank you "Ernesto"

I was really worried about this one. First of all, I worried that he was going to head straight to my friend, CurlyGurly, in NOLA, but I told her and I felt this with all my heart, he was going after them. Then he was supposed to head this way. You see, this weekend is my 2 year anniversary. Two years ago, hurricanes messed up my honeymoon plans and we did not get to leave until Wed. and we were supposed to go Sunday. Ernesto was supposed to move slower than he did coming up the coast and that would have messed up our anniversary trip to the coast. I am sure you can guess where!?!?!? Anyhow, Ernesto came on through last night as only a tropical storm and left us alot of rain and wind, which we are still having some remnants, but he is basically gone. And tomorrow evening, my wonderful, dear husband and I will leave on our anniversary trip!

Thank you Ernesto!! (But please leave my friends to the north alone!)

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