Monday, November 13, 2006

Getting ready for Thanksgiving....

Do you have your menu and your grocery list ready? Or are you like many of my friends? Am I going to stay 100% traditional to what we usually eat or am I going to change just one dish? Or are we going to start new traditions? How about a new dessert? We better hurry, time is running out.

One of our holiday traditions has been that after Thanksgiving Grace is said, each person has to say one thing they are thankful for. Hopefully this has helped with raising children who realize how blessed they are.

It's amazing how perfect God's timing is. As I was thinking what to post today, I received the following quote in an email:

How wonderful it would be if we could help ourchildren and grandchildren to learn thanksgivingat an early age. Thanksgiving opens the doors.It changes a child's personality...thankful childrenwant to give, they radiate happiness, they drawpeople. ~Sir John Templeton

1 comment:

sheila from life @ #17 said...

I'm changing 1 dish :)

I usually like to try at least 1 something new...

but some things are just too important to mess about with!

Happy Thanksgiving!