From their website "About Us":
Shop It To Me began after one too many frustrating trips to on-line retailers. We were tired of finding out about on-line sales too late. We were too busy to spend hours each day searching the web for the latest deals. Why couldn't we just give someone our preferences and have them search for us?
So we decided to create a different way to shop.
Our first service, Shop It To Me Apparel, proactively sends you clothing that matches your size and brand preferences as soon as it goes on sale. Shop It To Me Running allows you to find out when your favorite running shoe models and running gear go on sale. It's so easy that you will never shop the same way again.
Shop It To Me has been featured in publications like Daily Candy Deals, Glamour, and The Washington Post and is described as "a pick-me-up in the morning", "addictive" and "dangerous" with the caveat "boyfriends and husbands beware!"
You can choose when you want to receive emails about all the sales, and on your profile you can choose if you want mens, womens, girls, boys (so you can outfit your entire family if you so decide), you choose the brands that interest you, and the sizes that you are looking for. Then watch your email. I have been super impressed with the sales emails I have received that I want you to join in the fun!! If you are interested, leave me a comment with you email address and I will send out an invite immediately! I don't think you will be disappointed.
Sounds interesting! How are you Jenn? Sorry I've not been around as much, just been crazy busy but not in a bad way. Hope you are doing well.
You'll love it! Tamra, the girl who seems to be running the show there b/c she's the one I get emails from is AWESOME!
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