This is my baby on her very 1st day of school years ago....

This is my baby today as she starts her 1st day of her last year of high school!

I am so proud of her...this year she is taking AP English IV, Honors Vocal III, Honors Spanish III, and College Psychology this semester. Next semester she will be taking Critical Thinking and Analysis (a continuation of AP Eng), AP Statistics, Honors Vocal III, and either a class on the Law or another college class.
Yesterday, on her last day of summer, she received a nice thick package from a prestigious university encouraging her to apply. We are now in full senior year, sr pics, college apps, and more...all in prep for our goal of graduation and college next year.
Now if only I can keep her from getting senioritis!! :D
Good luck to other moms of seniors, other seniors, and to all the kids that start school this week!
Beauty and brains! You should be very proud!
How cute she is and obviously very smart as well! This is THE time of her life and I know you are both excited to live it:) Glad that you had an enjoyable vacation.
Enjoy this year! It goes by so quickly. This is the second year in a row that I took a daughter to college and I wish I could go back and do their senior years all over again!
What a beautiful young lady, and with major brains, how fabulous. Good for you and good for her on all of her Honors & AP classes, that is quite a workload!
Congratulations on raising such a gem Miss Lookout, that is so hard these days.
Have a wonderful week ahead!
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