(photo from Southern Lady magazine)
It is Rosenthal for Versace Floral Fantasy. I am totally in love and plan to start collecting this in the very near future. But for now, my solid white will do as it always shows food nicely. Now to work on that menu!
Updates on other things. My daughter finally went back to school this past Monday. As many of you know, she has missed the entire 1st semester of her senior year of high school with mono. She has a week left before Christmas break and then 2-3 weeks after Christmas break to finish out the semester. I think she finally feels like a senior now that she is back in school. We finally got to see her senior pictures Thursday and are waiting on her proof book which she will get this week. I have to say that I am so pleased with the pictures, I will have a very tough time deciding on which ones to purchase. Several of them will go on her senior yearbook page. She had lost her job due to her illness and with jobs they way they are, she was very concerned about getting a new one. However, on Tuesday, someone actually called and offered her a job and she hadn't even applied. Same pay as the old job but more hours and hours I can live with her working. She started on Wednesday believe it or not. She works M-F from 3-7 and Sat mornings from 8-12. Still gives her weekends basically free and she is home early and has plenty of time for homework.
Beth Dunn of Social Climbers is one of the funniest authors I have read (am reading) in a long time. In my opinion, her book does for the SC's what The Official Preppy Handbook did for preppys all those years ago. Thanks to SLPreppy of SouthernLiving, Preppy Style I won an autographed copy of Social Climbers in a blog giveaway. Needless to say, I was tickled pink and green. Although a novel, and a little tongue in cheek, I am surprised by how many things are me in the SC's list and I am by no means a social climber...not on any committees or any clubs. Have planned over and over to join JL but haven't been able to make the commitment yet. Receive the invitation each season though. If you have not read this book, you must get a copy and read it. As Beth herself points out on her blog, there are several typos that got missed, but it doesn't make it any less fun to read. Trust me, those things just jump out at me. I am ready to finish mine (should finish while on a road trip tomorrow - no I am not driving) and am hoping and dare I say, anxiously awaiting for the lovely Ms. Dunn to write her second novel!!!
Thanks everyone who has hung by me and patiently awaited new posts as I have been so sporadic in posting and an even bigger thank you to my new readers who have posted lately on very old posts just to say Hi and they enjoy the blog. It is everyone of you who makes me want to continue blogging!
Beautiful china, such a pretty pattern and color. Maybe you can ask family to start buying you place settings for Christmas. I just use the plain white dinnerware. I have five kiddos and things seems to break a lot around here.
Well aren't you just my new favorite person! Thank you for the shout out. I love the table setting btw. So pretty. xoxo
Love your blog and LOVE that china...I saw it in SL too and it's gorgeous! :) Merry Christmas
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