Tuesday, June 01, 2010

I know I am a day late, but...

among the many things I did do yesterday, I thought much about Memorial Day and our veteran's. I looked at the picture of my granddaddy in his uniform and dogtag, and I read wonderful blog posts, and thought about soldiers I know of that have died in the last 10 years or so. I thought of the men at my church who are veterans and the men in my family who served in so many different wars. And I thought about my daughter who is about to graduate. Why her? Our church is honoring the graduating high school seniors on Wednesday night and while putting together photos for this special event, I came across this picture of my daughter at about age 4 standing in one of the oldest parts of Arlington National Cemetary.

Thank you to all the men and women who so bravely put your lives before ours so that we may be free on so many levels. Thank you for making me feel safe, and feeling safe about sending my little one out into the world. And to the families of the fallen military, thank you for sharing them with our great country. You may have lost a son, a daughter, a father, a brother, but we lost a hero.

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