Tuesday, June 19, 2007

It's not officially summer but...

It sure is hot today. We could possibly top the hundred degree mark and it isn't even summer time, not officially. Yesterday was 97 but the humidity level made it bearable. I don't even think I can stand lazing in the pool today. The girls will probably do that. And to think I have to sit outside in this heat tonight and be the official scorekeeper for one of our local co-rec softball leagues. I would rather be lounging around and reading my book of choice right now, Queen of Broken Hearts, by Cassandra King. In case you didn't know, she is the wife of author Pat Conroy and a very talented writer in her own right. After I finish this book I am switching gears to audiobook. I just finished reading Paula Deen: It Ain't All About the Cooking and loved it. It is very open and honest and gives great insight into who Paula Deen really is. And if you think you know her, you might find out otherwise. My mother purchased the audiobook, so I am going to "reread" and listen to Paula talk about herself (she is the reader of the book). If you watch her show then you already can "hear" her when you are reading the physical book but to hear her tell her story in her words and in her voice is something else. Well now, it is afternoon and I need to check out some things on eBay and head to lazing and reading. Y'all have a wonderful afternoon and pour you a tall glass of lemonade or sweet tea (you know, the house wine of the south) and stay cool!


Michelle said...

It is feeling like summertime around here as well. DD and I spent the afternoon shopping at Dillards where all their formal/promwear is 75% off...yep....75%! We picked up 3 dresses for her (2 of them were Jessica McClintok!) for $100...WhooooHOOOO! DS#2 wasn't too excited by this trip, though(???).

Beaufort Belle said...

I bet DD will look stunning in them. Poor DS#2...I am sure mommy did something special for him to make up for the girly trip.