Thank you dear Hopsy! I am technically not passing this on but I will list the 7 blogs and will let them know who they are. If they choose to pass on the award, it is their choosing. Now here is what I have to do:
1.) Choose a minimum of 7 blogs that you find brilliant in content or design.
2.) Show the 7 winners names and links on your blog, and leave a comment informing them that they were prized with "Honest Scrap." Well, there's no prize, but they can keep the nifty icon.
3.) List at least 10 honest things about yourself.
Facts first:
1. I love to entertain and come up with great ideas and plans, but unfortunately, do not get to carry them out. :::sigh:::
2. I pierced my belly button on an early mid-life crisis. I was 30 and always wanted a tattoo...refused to get one because a) they are permanent, and b) I just knew I was going to marry a man of power and my having a tattoo would prevent him from accomplishing some great feat like becoming an elected official. (Remember, I am super old fashioned). So I settled for a body piercing. I loved it. My next 2 boyfriends loved it. But the man that became my husband hated it so out it came.
3. I am a caffeine free diet Pepsi addict.
4. I am a true southerner, but I despise iced tea.
5. I am a hotel snob. However, I do not think this is a bad thing.
6. I want the best in everything, but I simply can't afford it. :(
6. I love Jimmy Buffett and the "Margaritaville Lifestyle" would work wonders for me. Life by the water, on a beach or boat, with cold frothy drinks, palm trees and hammocks. AHHHH!
7. I adore total spa days but can't get enough of them.
8. I grew up listening to NC/SC beach music and love it. I used to know how to "Shag" dance but have lost my skill. Hopefully my DH and I will start lessons very soon.
9. I just got my first cell phone since I have been remarried. I bought my husband one also, but he refuses to use it.
10. Some of my dearest friends, I have met online.
Now for the 7 blogs:
Pearls and Grace - Your blog is so beautiful, as are your words. You make me want to become a better mother and person.
JustabeachKat - Your honesty about your trials and tribulations with breast cancer are an inspiration to all.
According to Nina - I so wished we lived closer together. Your entertaining and party ideas definitely inspire me even more and I am sure I would put all the ideas to use with you pushing me into gear!
Etiquette With Miss Janice- Every day you have wonderful posts that remind us all how to be a true lady, thank you for filling the gap! (quoting this from Kappa Prep for her words speak plenty!)
A Journey To Our Daughter - Not only is your blog and photo collages beautiful to look at, You inspire me to never give up!
Lisa @ Growing Up Southern Is a Privilege Really & I Like My Money Right Where I Can See It... - You keep me up to date with everything in the triangle and let me know the big deals and sales.
Monograms & Manicures - Even though you awarded this to me, I had to list you! You inspire me, you give me great ideas, and I wanna be just like you when I grow up! :D Honestly, if we lived MUCH closer together, I truly think we would be amazing friends!
Thanks Jennifer! I'll play along later today or tomorrow. I loved reading your list. I soooo agree with # 5, 6, and 7! (the first #6...did you know you had two #6s?)
Hugs sweet friend!
Great list!! I could totally live the margaritaville lifesetyle as well =)
Thank you so much!! I so appreciate this award
and will mention it soon, along with the last one
that you gave me. You are so incredibly kind and thoughtful!! I still have to add the awards to the sidebar after the bloggy makeover.
I too loved reading your list!
Thank you again for thinking of Pearls and Grace....
Big Hug!
Thank you for your KIND words! They always mean so much and I totally agree that if only we lived closer we could be the best of friends!
I love your site. I'm from South River and was so excited when I saw your site. We live in TN now, but still consider NC home. :)
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