Rule #1: Click the above button and paste onto your blog/website.
Rule #2: Answer the below questions.
Rule #3: Pass onto 10 bloggers that you Love, go to their blog and let them know they've been tagged.
1. Who is your style icon? For me, I have always enjoyed Jackie Kennedy and her sister Lee Radziwell. I love Grace Kelly's elegance, and the preppiness of Ralph Lauren. However, I can't leave out the beloved style of Lilly Pulitzer.
2. What is your favorite socialite lit book? Social Climbers by Beth Dunn, of course. I also enjoyed The Ex-Debutante and The Devil in the Junior League, both by Linda Francis Lee.
3. Favorite party theme? Pink and green OR nautical!
4. Go to Halloween costume? For many years, it was a black cat, but woe is me, I no longer have one.
5. Extravagance you cannot live without? My pearls.
6. Living person you admire? I am going to borrow my dear friend Michelle's answer: "My daughter, who is becoming a lovely, lovely young lady!"
7. Greatest Fear? For some reason, all of a sudden I am fearful of fire! Secondly, something happening to my family.
8. Trait you deplore in yourself? It is a new trait I have developed in the last 5 years, but the lack of following through on many things.
9. Which talent would you most like to have? The ability to be a better writer. To interest my readers more and be more expressive in the way I write. I would love to be a novelist like Dot Frank and Anne Rivers Siddons and write about strong southern women and coastal relationships and love stories.
10. Greatest achievement? At this time in my life, my daughter! Her father (my ex-husband) chose to abandon us when she was 2. I never received a penny of child support and neither she nor I ever heard from him. It was 10 years before I remarried. She missed out on so much but learned so much. I am so proud of who she has become and who she continues to become.
So, now I crown: The Preppy Pearl, Southern Blonde Knows Best, I Like My Money Right Where I Can It...Hanging In My Closet, The Company She Keeps, Lulu and Daisy, A Southern Sass, A Southern Accent, Biscuits are never Boring, Preppy Little Dress, The Salty Kiss.
When you get the chance, stop by and visit with these wonderful blogs!
I posted the deleted comment, but under the wrong e-mail!! Thank you so much for the award, I cannot wait to answer these questions! Your answers were wonderful, and I absolutely love your blog!
Hahaha, thanks so much! The Mafia it is! ;-)
Many thanks! I actually already played 03/27! Cheers to being in the preppy mafia! Xoxo-BLC
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